This is the Wire Basket they have also and is $2.50
So there is the more affordable option or if you just don't have access to a Container Store but have an Ikea here is an option .
Now as far as the Container Store, some of you may be thinking " Well if Ikea was cheaper why didn't you go with that option?' Well many reasons. As you can see in my Before and After Picture the system I had before was from the Office Depot and was around $45 I got a year ago. Many people loved this system raved about it and also had similar complaints to the ones I am about to explain to you.
For Starters Yes Its was PINK! I mean a Given I was going to go for the color , but besides that I liked having all the drawers and was compact. But a bit to compact. The drawers were not deep enough and constantly fell off of the tracks. To the point where I actually had tried to hot glue the tracks back on because the drawers were constantly popping out and all over the place. I was able to organize the inside of them with little containers her and there but wasn't able to fit many products
So let the Fun Begin :
Now here is a little Run Down: Everything is bought Separately What I mean :
The Actual Runners ( Where the drawers go in ) 10 of them plus the Cross Bars. Runners: $39.00 Medium Cross Bar $18 Drawer Back Stop Pins: $.49 Frame Feet : $3.49 8 of the 1 runner Drawers @ $14.00 each 1 of the 2 Runner Drawers : $17.00 Melamine Counter Top : $15.99 3 Drawer in and Out Stoppers : $2.49 each pack of 4
Grand Total: $228.38
So then you need your Drawers Obviously and this is how it works you have a variety of ways you can customize this system : 1 Runner ( 1 Drawer per track) 2 Runner ( 1 drawer takes up space of 2 tracks making it deeper) 3 Runner Drawers ( 1 drawer takes up 3 tracks for maximum depth )
Guy at the Store said " If you take more than 10 mins to put it together, then you are doing something wrong!' He was soo right I did it all by myself took me 15 mins only because I needed to Pound extremely hard on the Cross Bars with A Rubber Mallet ( Hubby wasn't to happy with the $70 One I used BTW, I didnt know the Difference his was custom made or something idk ha ha )
So Here is what I did: Top Counter Hold my Used Brushes in these Target Cups I found on Sale for $3.50 each
My Lippies New Home:
What I used inside of each Drawer to Organize:
1st Drawer of the Unit:
2nd Drawer:
3rd Drawer:
4th Drawer Trios, Quads, Duos etc:
5th Drawer ( the 2 runner)
This was the main reason I wanted this Unit. I hated having all my Foundations, and skin care items Lying on there side instead of Upright.
6th Drawer ( Backup items)
7th Drawer ( Blog Sale Items Reject Drawer :-( )
Now we take a quick tour of the Vanity:
Makeup Brushes ( Tutorial on Container coming Soon!)
Eyeliners etc:
Muji Drawers:
Inside the Vanity:
Mascaras & Concealers (FYI This Organizer is from IKEA was the Anordna LYX Series but has been recently Disontinued)
Benefit Boxes, Bronzer, Scissors etc
Blushes, Gel Liners, ES Bases, Random odds and Ends (Used the Antonius Insert Here can hole 3 of these Inserts straight across in this Vanity)
Blushes, Mac MSF's, Setting Powders etc (Drawer Organizer from Container Store for Kitchen Utensils etc)
Well I hope you all made it through this lengthy post ok. I assure you that I am in no way bragging about what I have. I always like sharing my organizational tips with my followers and this was long overdue. I like items from IKEA but to me it is a great store for people that may be just starting out like college students or people getting into a new apt etc. I find that I can get only but a few years use out of there furniture before it starts to fall apart and that is what I didn't want with this. Yes it was a lot of money but much better quality and functionality for me.
I would love to see how you gals organize your area! Please feel free to ask whatever comes to mind if an item in a particular drawer or any other details or help you may need to help when your makeup seems to attack! ha ha ha
Love you all and I have a few posts to work on for you all so sit tight !