So I have been on a major matte eyeshadow kick lately. I have a vast collection of mineral eyeshadows but I feel limited to only having shimmer in them all. I personally find that for me my looks come out better with matte shadows. I recently came across Calypso Minerals after seeing how gorgeous they were from a beauty guru I follow on Facebook and You Tube.
Jen is the owner and was super sweet to communicate with.
Pricing is a bit steep but she assures you that the amount of time it has taken for her to come up with the formula for these and the amount that you are getting it is well worth the price and I agree.
You are getting 13 5 gram jars for $65
Each color individually she sells for $10-$11 ea
Photo Courtesy of Calypso Minerals |
Photo Courtesy of Calypso Minerals
I knew I would never be able to capture the true colors of this stacker. I find them to be soo gorgeous and so easy to work with. They are unlike any other minerals I have in my collection.
I cant wait to play more with these and do some looks with them .
Photo Courtesy of Calypso Minerals
This is her Fall Matte Stacker that I want to get as well when I save up !
Photo Courtesy of Calypso Minerals |
Wow so vibrant
Simply amazing!! :)
They look amazing for being matte pigments. Beautiful
Those colors just look so fun!!! They remind me of a candy store lol
OMG These are amazing. It's like in your face bright and pigmented. I thought this brand went out of business. I'm glad they didn't. MakeupbyRissa on youtube...I think that's her name lol, used a lot of Calypso in her tutorials.
Thanks for this! I lowered the individual price and also offer the mini stacks now!! Since they last forever it's probably all anyone would need. Thanks @everyday makeup, I had to shut down because it got too busy and it was just me and I could not keep up :'( I found a partner and stocked up and did it right this time!!!
Hmm...I heard about this company scamming people in the past. It's all over YouTube and other blogs and am hesitant to try it. Although I do think she has a great product.
@ Donna Marie I completely understand your hesitation and one thing I pride myself on is being honest to my readers. I have heard and read the same but I always try to experience companies at my own will and risk so I can better explain my personal experiences with you all. I believe she was working alone in the past and has now partnered up and able to keep up with the supply and demand. I received info in regards to your concern stating that anyone that has an issue with an order can reach her directly and she would handle it asap. I personally love my items and had a great experience I can only hope everyone else gets the same if not better! Thanks for letting me know and passing by!
Girlie I am in love with the makeup you find!! Those matte colors are fantastic!! I want!!!! Lol.
Hey all, I'm someone who was scammed outta $90 a couple years ago by Jen Crocker. I facebooked many of the people on her friends n family list to try n get my money back. While I did speak with her mother n husband a few times, and they said they'd try n help, I never did recieve product or refund. Her common excuses back then were she got too busy too fast, her daughter died, her husband was leaving her, she was bipolar.....etc. I hear and have been reading the same excuses are starting to crop up again this time. The product is AMAZING, IF you receive it. Its hit or miss, enough people will receive something at first to perpetuate the scam. Given enough time, she'll just take the money n run. Again. I cant believe shes operating under the same name. I'm even more stunned people are ordering knowing what happened last time! Good luck to anyone who spent money, I really hope you get product or refunds!
Another idiot that didn't search 'Calypso Minerals scam' on Google...
Ordered in November 2011, paid $160, have received nothing but excuses and downright lies.
She has since reopened her FB page but completely ignored my PMs. I've emailed her - she's changed email addresses three times in the last few months. She was very nice to deal with when she was taking my money, but now probably just deletes my emails without opening them up.
So don't believe her when she says she has it together now. She is STILL lying, STILL taking orders while not honouring past ones and STILL pulling out personal reasons as excuses - divorce, death, drama.
I got scammed for over $200, she is a professional con artist & I'm starting up a Facebook page for her victims to share stories. Also setting up a class action against her!!!
Wow She just closed her facebook yet again and owes me $15...I got one order from her after emailing 10 times... Anybody have her contact information?